Why is a safety switch important?
A safety switch in a home or business is crucial and vital for the safety of the members, especially when electricity is one of the most important power sources that we use every day. If not managed efficiently, it can cause serious injury or death. According to sources, between 2003-2015, almost 142 workers died as a result of contact with electricity in Australia, while 87% of these deaths happened because no safety switch was installed onto the property. The fundamental importance of a safety switch is to make sure that people are safe, and to protect you and your appliances if ever there is a power surge in your home or business. Which is why we, at CU2 Electrical, feel that it is one of the most important electrical essentials for you to have in your home or business.
What is a safety switch?
Safety switches (otherwise known as RCD) are an important electrical essential to have in any home or business. They are designed to detect when an electricity leak will happen and when it will cut the flow at source immediately. The safety switch is a device that can potentially save lives as it can protect you and all your electrical appliances.
Do I need a safety switch?
Initially, you do not need to have a safety switch installed into your home or business, however we electricians at CU2 electrical, feel that it is best for you to have one installed, as it is extremely dangerous, not just for you but for your property and the people around you to not have a safety switch installed at your home or business. Safety switches will protect anyone that is using an electrical appliance that can potentially short out. The safety switch will know when an appliance is about to short out and will close down the circuit in a fraction of a second, which stops anyone from potential electrocution.
How many safety switches should I have installed?
Many people have safety switches installed on main power circuits only. However, having it installed on main power circuits only, does not guarantee total protection. To ensure higher protection, then safety switches should be installed at every single circuit point throughout the property that you own.
How can I get a safety switch installed?
Our electricians at CU2 are experts, we know what we are doing, and we take pride in what we do. We will be able to install one or more for you throughout your property. We will also be able to advise you of the best places to locate the safety switches throughout your home or business. We will be able to estimate how much it will cost you for us to install the safety switches on your property when you’re ready to have one or more installed.